Bhí siad ar fheabhas!
Maith Sibh!
Well done boys and girls!
Huge congratulations to our 5th & 6th class pupils and their teacher. They have been awarded FIRST PRIZE in the "Walk In My Shoes" short film competition to promote positive mental health. They recieved a certificate, trophy and a cheque for €1000. We are all extremely proud of this group of children on their subtle and smart short film. Bualadh bos!
Check out our short film here: Well done to all the boys and girls who sang their hearts out on stage on December 2nd in Louisburgh. You were fantastic. Maith sibh!
Our whole school have been very busy with preparations for the Let's Light Up Louisburgh event. We painted and decorated these beautiful wooden stars, snowflakes and angels. They are now on display in Louisburgh for Christmas!
We had a fantastic talk from astronomer Deirdre Kelleghan during science week. It was very interesting, thank you!