Because of the large numbers expected to attend, we have decided to change our concert venue from the school to Killeen Community Centre on Thursday, 18th December at 1:15pm. See you all there!
We will hold a short Christmas concert on Thursday, 18th December at 1pm. You are invited to come along and join us for some festive fun!
We attended mass in the Church of the Holy Family on December 8th and the older children participated in the mass by serving, reading prayers of the faithful and bringing up gifts. We hope to attend mass on January 6th also.
Our annual carol singing took place at the Louisburgh HQ Christmas Fair on Saturday evening, 6th December. Thank you to all the children and families who attended. We always have a great turn out from our school . Thanks to Ms. Geraghty for leading the singers. Well done all!
Comghairdeas to all the children who performed at the music session organised by Féile Chois Cuain in the Community Centre last Thursday. It was a very enjoyable evening and great to see all the talent we have here in the school.