These very pretty winter street scenes were created by the girls and boys this week.
Galánta ar fad! We were very kindly treated to a Christmas icing class with a talented parent, Cathriona Morrison. It was fantastic. We each made a snowman step by step. Cathriona incorporated Maths into the class too with the children cutting their icing into halves and thirds. At other stages Cathriona referenced 3D shapes which the children had to make e.g. the cone shaped hat and cube shaped present. We all brought our creations home to enjoy.
Thank you so much Cathriona! We have been learning about star constellations. We made a copy of our favourite constellation using spagetti and marshmallows. It was great fun. Look out for some of these amazing constellations in the sky on a frosty night!
As part of The Great Plant Hunt we are learning about the wren.
Step one - We painted the background using a sponge and paint. Step two - Using the side of a lollipop stick and black paint, we printed some reeds. Step three - We cut out two wren silhouettes and glued them onto our painting. They look beautiful hanging in our classroom. We entered a competition to design a cycling jersey, shorts and crest for a new cycling club in Louisburgh. We came up with some really super designs!
December 2024