Last week the Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class children sowed some marigold seeds in the old wellies we had collected. The seedlings have now started to come up and we hope that they will become strong, healthy plants full of flowers to brighten up the fence of our garden!
The children from the remaining classes sowed their choice of sunflower seeds, peas and beans in large yoghurt pots, and these are also starting to sprout.
The beds have now been cleared of weeds and are ready for planting thanks to the lads from the Rural Social Scheme, who turned up, as promised, one wet and windy morning last week.
Our regular weekly gardening slot will begin Monday 16th May from 2pm – 3pm. We will meet every Monday at the same time (excluding Bank Holidays). All parents and children who want to get involved are welcome to come along.
The beds have now been cleared of weeds and are ready for planting thanks to the lads from the Rural Social Scheme, who turned up, as promised, one wet and windy morning last week.
Our regular weekly gardening slot will begin Monday 16th May from 2pm – 3pm. We will meet every Monday at the same time (excluding Bank Holidays). All parents and children who want to get involved are welcome to come along.
Projects for this coming week:
We always welcome ideas for brightening up the school garden, or getting your children involved in growing their own food, so please do get in touch.
The school garden team is currently very small, but we are passionate about creating a beautiful environment where the children can relax, play, and learn about nature and where their food comes from. If you’d like to help by joining in with sowing, planting, weeding or watering, you would be made very welcome.
- Dividing the beds for ease of planting: we will be creating central paths with bark mulch on Wednesday morning (May 11th).
- Planting seed potatoes and onion sets direct into the soil.
- Planting a herb garden.
- Setting up a bird table that has been purchased.
We always welcome ideas for brightening up the school garden, or getting your children involved in growing their own food, so please do get in touch.
The school garden team is currently very small, but we are passionate about creating a beautiful environment where the children can relax, play, and learn about nature and where their food comes from. If you’d like to help by joining in with sowing, planting, weeding or watering, you would be made very welcome.
‘’To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.’’
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn