Today we went to do a workshop and beach clean with Flossie and Harriet and Nick. We went to Cross Beach. We collected 36kg of rubbish. This was mostly fishing rope, flip flops, bullet cartridges, plastic bottles and unusually, lots of lip glosses?!
Each group made some art with their beach rubbish. We got to use a VR headset to see turtles underwater. John and David won a Flossie beanie for their efforts. Everybody had great fun. Bhí an-spraoi againn. Le rang a 5 agus rang a sé.
Each group made some art with their beach rubbish. We got to use a VR headset to see turtles underwater. John and David won a Flossie beanie for their efforts. Everybody had great fun. Bhí an-spraoi againn. Le rang a 5 agus rang a sé.